On average, members of Dian Makmur Jaya Abadi have offered state-of-the-art clients servicing and transferred their know-how to industry executives mostly focused on how to best understand your insurance policy into highly performing Risks Management during running a hectic-business activities.
Dian Makmur Jaya Abadi´s executive team is drawing its tremendous experience from many years in providing services and companionship in the Insurance matters just like being part of your Risk Management Division, while mostly having been involved in the integrated and strategic solution in the composing your risks profile, placement, negotiating claim settlement as well as the wider and maximum coverage at your reasonably low costs.
During those assignments, we will delivered our strengths to our utmost :
Our exclusive team has experienced more than 10 years in the insurance industry, not just for placing the risks and increase the corporate productivity, but moreover implementing an integrated clients servicing concepts focusing the clients’ satisfaction as the basis in stepping the corporate productivity development. The experienced gained through a hard and complicated claims handling experiences which creating us to be tough in claim negotiation, increase the technical skill in composing the best insurance coverage including clauses based on claims handling experienced.
An Integrated clients servicing to clients’ heart contents, comprises into phases starting from :
- consulting your risks profile and insurance needs,
- guiding clients insurance policies you need to have and you don’t need to have based on your premium budget
- giving advices on loss prevention you may need to apply in relating to self-insure your risks do not covered by the insurance policies
- the best way to have a widest coverage in your insurance policies at a reasonable low-cost providing any advices and literature you may need to understand your insurance policies well and advance your know-how on insurance market updates
- totally accompanying you when claims happened, and give truely best & right support in the claims process
- using our best insurance technical skills in negotiating claims settlement to reach a fair claim payment and urge the claim payment schedule
- granting you a qualified and satisfaction after sales services for any insurance matters including any alterations you need to make
Being different and Going the extra mile ! as our core philosophy in the excellence state of the art in the clients servicing in achieving corporate vision and mission to give solutions to any parties involved in the projects.
We put truly effort in maintaining the relationship among the industry community, i.e. the underwriters and security, loss adjusters, surveyors, overseas settling agent, comply to government’s regulation, any related associations, and the most important party – the clients.
Young and energetic Team has been developed, integrated business oriented to create an aggressive and strategic marketing concept by using any kinds of unlimited media communication, trustworthy and reliable online marketing, referral program, and advantage of clients’ satisfaction in developing market, mobile-positioning, adjustable and flexibility inter-relationship skills in transforming the clients’ need – the business negotiation among other parties.
Maximizing the information and Technology support in delivering faster qualified services easily, creating compact working method in running business activities, providing Online Client’s Database with a confidentiality on each client’s login and password, Fastest production on Clients’ summary Insurance Record, supplying as accurate possible data in supplying the underwriters and adjusters.
We guarantee your premium payments will be forwarded to the insurance company at once, as soon as possible not more that grace-period granted by the insurance companies, at least 2x24hours as maximum time to banking process, and will propose extended premium payment period should needed at yourself written request. We also welcome your inquiry to pay premium directly to the Insurance companies.
Dian Makmur Jaya Abadi doesn´t re-invent the wheel to turn business concepts into scalable and reliable insurance solutions and platforms – the team offers all you need to shorten the insurance implementation cycle and achieve a fast return on investment.
See who is on the team – talk to our Management staff directly.